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Wall bushing for ESP

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Used to support and insulate the ESP corona pole busbars through the ESP enclosure. Wall insulators are divided into modular and pure porcelain according to the structure, and can be divided into umbrellas and no umbrellas type.

Procelain insulator wall bushings for ESP are manufactured strictly accordance with GB772-87 Technical conditions for high-voltage porcelain parts and JB/T6764.4-93 Porcelain insulators for ESP-wall bushings. It is applicable to work in the environments where the working temperature does not exceed 250°C, the DC operating voltage is 72kv-100kv, and the installation site does not exceed 1000m above sea level.

The combined wall bushing is made of procelain parts and metal accessories which are glued with high-temperature adhesive, and the surface of the porcelain part is applied with white glaze or brown glaze, and the metal surface is coated with rust-proof.

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